The single-day trading volume of OKXRunes market accounts for 51.08, temporarily ranking first in the industry
According to GeniiData data, OKX Runes market trading volume continues to rise. On May 13, the single-day trading volume accounted for 51.08% of the total runes trading volume, temporarily ranking first in the industry. In addition, following the launch of the Bitcoin halving day, the OKX Runes market’s trading volume has exceeded 1,024 BTC as of May 13, 2024, and the number of transactions has reached 114,273. It is reported that the OKX Runes Market is the first platform in the industry to provide rune trading on the APP side, allowing users to perform batch scanning, etching and other functions of Runes assets at zero platform fee. In the future, the OKX Runes Market will continue to be optimized and add more new features based on user feedback.
Release time
2024-05-13 10:11:44